Radhikaranjan Das – Traumatizing children

It has emerged that Radhikaranjan Das’s removal from the Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education (S.A.I.C.E.) is a move that will provide much relief to some of the children that he has traumatized and harassed during his classes. Radhikaranjan Das has been subjecting his students to “severe forms of corporal punishment” as evidenced by the following letter that was submitted by a parent of one of his students to the registrar of the S.A.I.C.E.

Radhikaranjan Das who boasts of an “unblemished record” despite his record of subjecting his pupils to corporal punishment and physical trauma, ought to know that according to the UNICEF’s Child Protection Policy he would be considered to be unfit for a position as a teacher. This is not to mention that he is member of a respectable instutition such as the Sri Aurobindo Ashram which promotes the practice of spirituality and a teacher at the institution founded by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to whom he swears his devoted allegiance while he traumatises the children at the S.A.I.C.E.


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